






1、Where we stay doesn't matter. 我们住在哪儿没有什么关系。

2、Where I spend my summer is no business of yours. 我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。

3、Where he has surpassed every other English writer is in his ballads and songs. 他胜过英国其他作家之处在于他的民歌与歌谣。


1、It's not known where she went. 她到哪里去了没人知道。

2、It doesn't matter where we go on holiday. 在假日里我们到哪儿去都行。

3、It's a nightmare worrying where the children might be. 担心孩子们在哪里简直是一场噩梦。



1、That's where he lives. 那就是他所住的地方。

2、That's where you are wrong. 这就是你不对的地方。

3、This is where our basic interest lies. 这是我们的根本利益所在。

4、That's where I first met her. 那就是我第一次遇见她的地方。

5、This is where they bottle the milk. 这就是他们用瓶子装牛奶的地方。

6、This is where I part company with the professor. 这是我和教授的意见相左之处。

7、This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea. 这就是亚马孙河入海的地方。

8、This is where we change from car to bus. 这就是我们从小汽车换乘公共汽车的地方。



1、He asked where she lived. 他问她住在哪里。

2、He asked where he was to put it. 他问他该把它放在哪里。

3、He asked where the station was. 他问车站在什么地方。

4、The book doesn't say where he was born. 书上没说他是在哪里出生的。

5、Anybody will tell you where the bus stop is. 谁都能告诉你公共汽车站在哪里。

6、If you read the instructions,you'll see where you went wrong. 你要是看一下说明书就知道你错在哪儿了。


1、She called me over to where she was sitting. 她叫我到她坐的那个地方去。

2、We have to consider the question of where we can sleep. 我们得考虑在何处安歇的问题。

3、We have no clue as to where she went after she left home. 我们对她离家后去往何处毫无线索。

4、As if she was unsure of where she was,she hesitated and looked round. 她仿佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。

where引导宾语从句有时可视为the place where之省略。

From where I stood I could see everything clearly. 从我站的地方我一切都看得清清楚楚。



1、Is this the place where it happened? 这就是事发地点吗?

2、What is the name of the town where you live? 你住的那个城市叫什么名字?

3、That's the hotel where we were staying last summer. 这就是我们去年夏天住过的旅馆。


1、We live in the mountains,where life is hard. 我们住在山里,那里的生活很艰难。

2、Then he moved to Beijing,where he lived for 10 years. 他后来搬到北京,在那里住了10年。


1、It's put me in a position where I can't afford to take a job. 这使我陷入一种不能接受此工作的境地。

2、She had got to the point where she felt that she could not take any more. 她到了她觉得自己再也不能忍受的地步。

3、Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers where consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. 在本章的后面部分,我们将为读者介绍一些事例,说明消费者的投诉已经使法律作出了修改。



1、The thread breaks where it is weakest. 线从最弱的地方断。

2、Hide it where curious eyes won't see it. 把它藏在好事者看不见的地方。

3、We'll pick up where we finished yesterday. 我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。

4、They waved to us to stay where we were. 他们向我们挥手,要我们停在原地。


1、Where the money is,there is power. 有钱就有势。

2、Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

3、He said he was happy where he was. 他说他现在处境很愉快。

4、It is your fault that she is where she is. 她今天落到这个地步都怪你。


1.读大专选择什么专业最好 学什么最吃香

2.初中学历怎么升本科学历 有什么好处

3.强基计划为什么降分 一般能降多少分

4.文科生适合报强基计划吗 可以报什么专业

5.强基计划的学生未来去向 毕业后能干什么

6.电子信息工程好就业吗 2024找什么工作

7.重阳节为什么要插茱萸 原因是什么

8.重阳节的寓意和象征意义 有什么风俗


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