



find的常见用法:find + 名词;find + sb + sth;find + sth + 介词;find + 宾语从句;find it + adj. + to do sth;find + n. + in doing sth等。

find + 名词(sb /sth) ...发现【例】find a car

find + sb + sth 为某人找到某物【例句】I wonder if you could find me a deck of cards?

find + sb + doing sth /find + sth + Ved 发现…处于某种状态;遇见;碰见

【例句1】They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach...

【例句2】She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open...

find + sth + 介词 Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.

find + 宾语从句【例句】The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well...这两位生物学家惊奇地发现,两组鸟都很好地存活了下来。

find it + adj. + to do sth【例句】At my age I would find it hard to get another job...


find + n. + in doing sth【例句】How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?...怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?

另外,find 还可以作为名词,为发现的意思。【例句】His discovery was hailed as the botanical find of the century.他的发现被誉为本世纪植物学的最重大发现。


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