





october 1st 1941,the People`s Republic of China was formed.In memory of this special day,the government set October 1st every year as the National Day in law。



various countries national day

the national day is a national political nature strongest holiday. but, the various countries' national day name as well as the date determination is different actually.

said from the name that, in the world called “national day” or “national day” has china, france and so on approximately 40 countries; called “independent date” or “independent festival” has american, mexican, philippine, the burmese ten-day period and so on approximately 60 countries, was called “republican date” or “republic date” has countries and so on the yugoslavia, zaire, iceland; called “revolutionary festival” has the former u.s.s.r, albania, hungary; called “federation establishment date” has switzerland; called “union date” has tanzania; also some directly adds on “the date” by the country's name, like “australian date” and “pakistani date”.

said from the date meaning that, the world including our country, approximately some 30 countries take founds a nation japan as a national day; some are take the constitution promulgation date as the national days, like federal republic of germany; some take revolutionizes the revolt date as the national day, like france; some take the head of state birthday as the national day, like countries and so on japan, thailand, holland, denmark, england. interesting is, these countries along with king, the emperor of japan or queen's replacement change the national day the date.

general country only then a national day, but, nepalese, sweden, ugandan, republic of guinea denmark has two national days actually. in nepal, one is “the national democratic date” (on february 18), one is king's birthday; in sweden, one is “the national flag date” (on june 6), one is king's birthday; in cuba, one is “the liberation date” (on january 1), one is “the national revolt date” (on july 26); in uganda, one is “the independent date” (on october 9), one is “the second republican date” (on january 25); in the republic of guinea, one is “the announcement republican date” (on october 2), one is “the people defeats the aggression commemoration day” (on november 22): in denmark, one is “the constitution date” (on june 5), another is queen the birthday.

in the world history the most glorious national day is the san marino national day. in the a.d. 301 years, the san marino on decides as far september 3 own national day, until now already some more than 1700 years history.


1.九月九日重阳节的意义 重阳节的来历

2.重阳节的来历和风俗 有哪些风俗习惯

3.重阳节的寓意和象征意义 有什么风俗

4.九九重阳节的来历简介 为了纪念谁

5.重阳节的寓意和象征意义 有哪些习俗

6.重阳节的来历和风俗 有哪些传统习俗

7.九月九日重阳节的意义 有哪些习俗活动

8.秦国历代帝王一览表简介 在位时间是多久


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