






Thanksgiving originated origin can be traced back to the history of the United States, originated in the early settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Known as the pilgrims when these immigrants in the UK, because of their religious reform of the church of England is not completely, and the king and the church of England repression of their political and religious persecution, so the pilgrims from the church of England, go to the Netherlands, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope to be able to freely according to their wishes religious life.

In 1620, the famous "mayflower" ship loaded with unbearable the Britain domestic religious persecution Puritan 102 people had arrived in America. In 1620 and 1621, the turn of the winter, they met with refugees brought the necessities, also specially taught them how to hunting, fishing and planting corn, pumpkin. With the help of the indians, immigrants finally won a harvest, in the days of harvest celebration according to religious traditions, immigration rules the day of Thanksgiving to god, and decided to thank the indians sincere help, inviting them to celebrate the festival together.

In late Thursday in November 1621, the pilgrims and massa soder 90 indians gathered, celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in American history. A backwater at dawn, they marched into a room full of served as a church, devoutly grateful to god, and then lit a bonfire held a grand banquet, will hunt turkeys hospitality indians made delicacies. The second day and on the third day again held activities such as wrestling, running, singing and dancing. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture the Turkey, women in the home made from corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and fruit such as delicacies. In this way, whites and indians around the bonfire, chating at, also singing and dancing, the whole celebration lasted three days. Many of the first Thanksgiving celebration has been circulated.




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