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大学生活英语作文 英语作文范文




How time flies! One month has passed before I could take any notice of it。 This is the start of my freshman year in Fudan University。 At the very beginning, everything and everyone is strange to me。 But now, everyday and in everyway, I am getting better;I am getting used to it。

I would like to tell you two things in my university life that are of great importance and interest。

Freedom is what I am looking forward to since the very first day of my primary school。 A lot of people said to me, "Study hard, and you will get freedom when in university。" But when I really entered university, I find the real situation is different。Freedom costs me a lot。 If I refuse to wash my clothes, for example, they will just lay there, unclean。 In a word, I have to do everything and take care of myself。 Well, it doesn‘t mean that I don‘t like the life style。 On the contrary, I like it very much though it is hard at the beginning。 It is really a challenge for me。

I appreciate a famous saying from Albert Camus, "Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better。" That‘s right。 Real freedom es with responsibility。 Some teenagers believe that freedom means doing whatever you like。 But I think that is not real freedom at all。 One can have his or her own freedom, while at the same time respect others‘。 It is not easy to think on behalf of others。 University life provides me with this precious chance to practice it。


You may feel that college life is boring. We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in.Do not be nervous.We are friends.

Studying in college is a brand new start of our life.You can continue to study hard for the better scords. Libary is a good place for students to study in. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In a word,college life is wonderful!







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