
当前位置:当书网高考复习高中英语be careful of和with的区别

be careful of和with的区别


含义不同,be careful of表示“当心”、“留意”等意思;be careful with表示做某事时很小心或仔细的意思。careful的基本意思是“仔细的”、“小心的”,含有靠认真实践来避免错误的意味。

be careful of和with的区别

be careful of造句

Be careful of the dog,it sometimes bites people。当心那条狗,它有时候会咬人。

Be careful of that sinister man,He is dangerous。留意那个阴险的人,他很危险。

You must be careful of your health。你一定要注意你的健康。

be careful with造句

1、We have to be careful with fire.

2、be careful with the underlined parts.

3、Do be careful with this feature, however.

4、Always be careful with shell expansion and variable names.

5、Please be careful with the glass lamp, it's very delicate.

6、Do be careful with the experiment you're doing.

7、I told him that was my job, to be careful with descriptions.

8、Some heavily styled navigation items may look like banners, so be careful with these elements.


1.英一英二难度差距有多大 二者有哪些区别

2.技校单招和高中单招一样吗 二者有什么区别

3.强基计划和统招哪个好 二者有何区别

4.强基计划和普通录取的区别 有哪些不同

5.走单招和考上大专有什么区别 有哪些不同

6.单招和专科的学历一样吗 有区别吗

7.乌克兰语和俄语的区别 哪个好学

8.need to do和need doing的区别是什么


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