





① 引言

I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain…

I would like to inquire about…

I want to know if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding…

 I take great interest in …

② 展开

I would like to get more details of …

I shall be grateful if you could offer me more specific materials about…

I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.

I am also greatly concerned about…

③ 结尾

Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Many thanks to your assistance.


① 引言

I am writing in response to your advertisement in …

I would like to apply for the position of … which you advertised in…

② 发展

I graduated from… with a …degree in…

I have been working in… since my graduation and have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.

 I am a rational and diligent man with good interpersonal skills.

I am used to working under pressure and also...

I am experienced in…, which I believe qualifies me for the position of …

③ 结尾

I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.

I do hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview.

I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experiences.

I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.

You favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated.



I was very happy to learn that …

I was very delighted to hear the news that…

It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. Please accept my warmest/heartiest congratulations(最衷心的祝贺).

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to …


How time flies! Here you are graduating from high school and planning to attend the university in the fall. Congratulations on a job well done, and good luck to you during the next four years of university.


Wish you good luck!

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

Happy New Year to you and may each succeeding year bring you greater happiness and prosperity.


1.令人惊艳的作文题目 精选作文素材摘抄



4.2024英语专业学校全国排名 实力强的大学有哪些


6.一山一水一风景的诗句 高中作文素材积累




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