






1、Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.


2、East or west, home is best.


3、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.


4、Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.


5、When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.



Admire the full moonin the Mid Autumn Festival, China will celebrate the ancient customs, "book of Rites" in the records of "autumn month", namely the worship of god,Mid Autumn Festival customs. To Zhou Dai, every Mid Autumn Festival night to meet the cold and festival. Large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, cakes and watermelon is absolutely cannot little. Watermelon also cut into lotus shaped.In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is quite popular. In the Song Dynasty, to celebrate the mid autumn festival wind more prosperous, according to the Tokyo Menghua recorded "record:" mid autumn night, your home decorative knot taixie, civil war accounted for restaurants play a month ". Whenever this day, the capital of all shops, restaurants have to re decoration, arch tie silk wounded, sell fresh fruit and refined good food, night market was bustling, people put on the balcony, some rich people in their own pavilions moon and put food or arrange a dinner, family reunion child together to celebrate during our chat.After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, to celebrate the mid autumn festival custom remains the same, many places formed big dipper incense burning, tree Mid Autumn Festival, point tower lights, put the sky lanterns, walk the moon, the fire dragon dance and other special customs.


Mid-autumn Festival in Singapore is quite lively. The holiday arrived a front for month, the moon cake lantern starts to go on the market. Moon cake, not only satisfies people's luck of having good things to eat also to use for the ancestor worship to pay respects to the moon, is the holiday high quality goods which the relative friend presents mutually. Except the moon cake, Midautumn Festival's another kind of holiday high quality goods are “the pomelo”.

Speaking of the young people, makes them feel the interest is the all kinds of manufacture fine lantern, they also were taking advantage of the holiday opportunity, exposes manufactures the lantern the talent, adults also may at the once a year lantern manufacture competition and the decorative lantern exposition heartily the entertainment.

The Singaporean person also may participate by the populace contacts or the clubhouse sponsor midautumn festival party. The whole family enjoys looking at the moon also is fine deeds together, displays the fruits and melons, the moon cake in the home, again adds the children lantern, is warm, harmonious .

In order to cause the midautumn festival festival the atmosphere thickly, celebration is more common, we suggested hangs up the lantern in the public place, at the same time sponsors plays lantern-riddles and so on the activity.


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